Saturday, April 2, 2011

March Pathway's Fasions

These...are some things that March would wear~

When it gets too cold for her vest...

White jeans. 

Winter Boots. 

Everyday boots. 

White vest. 

Now, i will put some dress clothes~ 
(highly unlikely, but okay...)

Since she hates long dresses, she likes black and white, and she hates dresses with long sleeves, this seemed ideal...

Mysterious...but you can still recognize her eyes through this. I mean, who else has those crystal clear eyes? They're practically translucent! 

And stunning white boots to finish the outfit!

And now, you may have noticed, that i haven't put any shirts for her. That is because, i have been saving the best for last. I got all these from that, or its just plain old

I actually have this shirt in real life...

Pi backwards spells pie! 

Preferred taste? Well, okay then! 

This shirt is for when she knows she's going to fight zombies. Apparently, it really annoys them.

I'm cooler then all of you! Hah! 

No no! I'm not contagious! 

When people find this shirt disturbing, March turns into the rabid squirrel and runs up their leg. 

Meh. Its a so-so day.



Heh. a not so stealthy ninja. I think it may concern everyone else when she wears that. I think they're afraid she may not feel so stealthy and ruin the plan...but don't tell her that...!

Allrighty. Well thats about it. 

oh yes- 

Don't forget her frypan. 

I'll also be posting this on Bio-rama, for people who don't check this blog. 


  1. pi. it is PI! THEN its pie. PI THEN PIE!

  2. thou shall not forget the frypan!

  3. The zombie shirt's the best :D

  4. *shines frypan lovingly*

    Hmmm~ you have good taste skyril~

    Hellboy! I have to disagree! I think the not so stealthy ninja is the best!

  5. Hey Mar-chu! Surprised those clothes(and frypan!) weren't in Vogue... They're certainly high fashion!
